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Enabling your Marketing Organization for Amazon (Checklist)

A checklist for companies and brands who want to enable their organization for Marketing on AmazonĀ (German only).

I was invited to speak on the Amazon World Convention 2018 in Munich on the 6th of March, 2018. The presentation was about what Marketing(teams) can do together with Sales to ensure success of their business on Amazon. Specifically how Amazon requires a different approach to marketing than organizations are used to from traditional brick-and-mortar (or even online) retailer relationships.

The checklist provides a quick overview of the tasks and things to be considered for marketing teams. (Sorry, checklist in German only)


Checklist “Marketing for Amazon” (March 2018) Download PDF here (less than 1 MB)

Matthias Ihnken
Veilchenweg 26e
22529 Hamburg

+49 1523 310 2470

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